Sunday, June 21, 2020

Twitter Introduces Voice Tweets

Twitter Launches Voice Messages for Smartphones

Twitter Introduces Voice Tweets

Twitter has finally launched a new way for people to tweet using only their voice. The announcement was made via a recent blog post by Maya Patterson and Rémy Bourgoin of Twitter. But the feature is in testing now.

Voice tweets join the many existing ways in which users can communicate on Twitter – a list which includes photos, videos, GIFs, and plain text.
Tweeting with your voice is not too different from Tweeting with text. To start, open the Tweet composer and tap the new icon with wavelengths. You’ll see your profile photo with the record button at the bottom – tap this to record your voice.
The whole process seems pretty straightforward. Users can write a new tweet as they normally would, but alongside the typical attach a photo or video, there will be a new button that will record a quick audio message.

How To Compose A Voice Tweet?

Composing a voice tweet is similar to composing any other type of tweet.
First, open the tweet composer and look for the new voice icon. It resembles an audio wavelengths.

After tapping the voice icon you will see your profile photo with the record button at the bottom. Tap on the record button to begin recording your voice.

Voice tweets are capable of capturing 140 seconds of audio. Those who wish to go longer can keep talking and the additional audio will be connected in the thread of multiple tweets.

When voice tweets are published people will see them in their feed amongst other tweets.

To listen to a voice tweet just tap the image with the person’s profile photo.

Tweets will play in a new window that stays docked at the bottom of the screen, so users can listen while continuing to scroll through their feed.
There’s a lot that can be left unsaid or uninterpreted using text, so we hope voice Tweeting will create a more human experience for listeners and storytellers alike.
Whether it’s #storytime about your encounter with wild geese in your neighborhood, a journalist sharing breaking news, or a first-hand account from a protest, we hope voice Tweeting gives you the ability to share your perspectives quickly and easily with your voice.
Those are the main things you need to know about voice tweets. Here’s some extra information that may also be helpful.

Additional Notes on Voice Tweets

At this time, voice tweets are limited to original tweets only.

That means it’s not possible for users to record their voice and publish it as a reply or a retweet with comment.

It’s unknown if that will ever change. On one hand, Twitter is missing out on an opportunity for increased user engagement by not allowing voice replies.

On the other hand, not all of that engagement would be positive. Voice recordings open up a whole new avenue for harassment on Twitter, so perhaps it’s best that the feature is limited to original tweets.

Also Read: 

Twitter Added Feature Which Allows Users To Hide Replies To Their Tweets

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